At SES we put a lot of thought and know how into all of the solar panel systems we design, sell, and install. There’s a lot that goes into being sure you get the best system for your unique home so we go above and beyond when it comes to training our consultants. We’re pretty sure they are the most highly trained solar consultants around. For a start, every Solar Consultant spends about 4 weeks out with our installation crews when they start. To have hands on experience with installations, means our consultants have a much better idea about how things will work when your system is installed and will have a deeper understanding of what is needed.

With field training done our sales team then needs to graduate their examined Solar Energy International (SEI) training school 6-week Solar Electric Design & Installation course. SEI based in Paonia, Colorado is, to our mind, the best solar boot camp in the world and with every available type of solar and roof to play with is an incredible learning organization. Then and only then do we feel that they are ready to start working (with a mentor) on the customer sales side.