High Pressure Solar Sales Just Isn’t Our Thing

…we prefer high quality design, materials, and installations!

Solar is a big and long-term decision, some companies may want to strong arm you into signing the same day, or dangle enticing ‘only for a limited period’ offers and then if you want to change even right after your 3 day window, they want to charge you an outrageous amount (like 50%) to get out of the contract. 

While there can be reasons for acting quickly, like low stock of a particular panel, or financing offers that have a real deadline, arbitrary deadlines and tricks that pressure you to act without fully understanding what your buying is deceptive and unethical.

At Solar Energy Solutions, we’re going to help you understand how solar works. We’re more than sales people, engineers, and installers, we’re solar experts, owners and enthusiasts.  We know that solar provides people with energy independence as well as the ability to live a more sustainable lifestyle with less impact on our world, so we love what we do!  We’re committed to helping you on your solar journey, whether you’re just starting your research or you already know what your solar goals are, we’re here to help you gain the knowledge you need to make an informed decision (not a hurried, pressured decision).

We are going to help you understand how your home uses energy.  The first thing to figure out is how much energy you use and how much solar radiation is available on your roof or land.  We will look at your electric bill, ask you questions about energy usage changes you may be planning (like a pool or an EV) and take on-site shade readings so we can more accurately size your solar array to meet your current and growing needs. We measure and calculate your systems production numbers and always try to under promise and over deliver.

Once we’ve had time to understand your home’s energy use, your goals and any future energy changes, we’re going to offer you the best solar solutions to meet your needs; energy, budget, and aesthetics requirements. We will never pressure you to sign. We’ll fine tuned our recommendation to meet your needs and give you the highest quality materials, from the most trained and capable staff and with our 15 years of experience  you’ll can have peace of mind knowing your solar is just what you need with the quality and workmanship to last for decades. 

We will even tell you if solar is not right from you! Some of our biggest fans are customers who we have NOT done business with because their location was not right for solar but they recommend us to all of their friends as we were so up front with them.

Choosing clean power should be a wonderful, exciting, even thrilling journey. We look forward to helping you reach your goals.

Schedule your free solar assessment today. Call 877-312-7456 or contact us below to get started.