Net metering is under attack again, this time in Northern Kentucky by Duke Energy Kentucky.

Here’s what we know for solar installed before June 30, 2023
- For existing solar owners, nothing changes.
- Solar installed before the changes would receive the current 1:1 value for extra solar energy put into the grid. (Solar systems must fully operate before the changes go into effect.)
What we know about the proposed changes for solar:
- We know that Duke intends to ask for changes to the current 1:1 net metering in their territory in Northern KY.
- Duke has asked that the net metering portion be separated out of their current rate case to be handled afterward.
- If the Public Services Commission doesn’t grant that request, customers after June 30 could receive a lesser value for energy put into the grid.
- If it does grant that request, it may not go into effect until after June 30, but exactly when it isn’t known.
Customers who install solar before any changes are implemented will still get the 1:1 net metering, so now is an excellent time to start.
Getting Started – Lessons Learned from Other Utilities
When net metering changes are on the horizon, in the past, we have seen a surge in people trying to get installed with permission to operate before the deadline. This happened last year with LG&E, Kentucky Utilities, and Kentucky Power. Learn more about that rate case in our blog posts: July 30, 2020, February 5, 2021, and May 20, 2021.

If you have been thinking of adding a solar panel system to your home and Duke Energy KY is your utility, we urge you to get a remote quote started now. There’s no obligation; fill in the information below to get started.