Are You Considering a Solar Panel Installation For Your Business?

Here are things to think about when considering solar for your business:

  • Is there an optimal place for solar at my location (either on the roof or ground-mounted)?
  • What savings would be created from solar and for how long?
  • What is the ROI or payback on a solar PV system?
  • What permitting and inspections needs are there?
  • Do you want to provide EV charging from your solar for customers/employees?
  • What financing and incentive options are available to your business?
  • What is the split on my utility bill between energy charges (kWh) and demand charges (peak kW draw)? Solar can help with energy charges and batteries can help reduce demand charges.
  • How many metered accounts do I have in my business and which are on the most expensive tariff pricing structure $/kWh.

Not sure how to answer the questions above?  Ask a solar specialist. Our specialists can answer where, why, how, and how much.  They can give you all the information to find out if Solar at your business/company makes sense.

Call today and schedule a time for us to help you bring your company into the new energy frontier.

Schedule your free solar assessment today. Call 877-312-7456 or contact us below to get started.