Recommend Us and Join Our Customer Referral Bonus Program

Our Thank-you to you:

At Solar Energy Solutions we strive to install the highest quality solar energy systems for our customers.  We design systems to meet the unique goals and energy needs of each customer with care and an engineering precision we believe is second to none. All done with a strong environmental mindset and no pushy sales tactics! So, when a customer is so happy with the quality and workmanship of their installation that they feel comfortable recommending us to their family and friends we are truly honored and grateful.  As a thank-you to customers who recommend us, we have a Customer Referral Bonus Program. 

How it works:

  • For every residential customer referred to us who installs a solar array or battery storage system, we give a thank you bonus check of $300 to the referring SES customer.
  • For every place of worship customer who refers a congregation member (residential customer) to us we will donate $300 to the non-profit.
  • For every small business referred to us that installs a solar system of 25kW or larger or battery storage utilizing 2 Powerwalls or more, we give a thank you bonus check of $750 to the referring SES customer[*].

How to Qualify:

  • To qualify, call or email your Solar Consultant and give them the name and address of the person that you referred to us.  They will add that information to our database with a referral note attached.  If you would like your Solar Consultant to reach out to the person or business you are referring, you may also provide contact information. 
  • Or, call our main office at 877-312-7456 and give the same information to our Office Manager.  The information will be entered, with the referral note, into our database.
  • Or, ask the person you are referring to mention who they were referred by.


You will receive your Referral Bonus approximately 4-6 weeks after the installation has been completed and all project paperwork, inspections, final payments etc. are done.  To inquire about a referral, please contact your Solar Consultant or our Office Manager.

Thank you for choosing Solar Energy Solutions
for your transition to self-generated, clean, reliable power!

Download Information Here

[*] Business systems that are smaller than 25kW or with 1 Powerwall will qualify for the $300 bonus.

Schedule your free solar assessment today. Call 877-312-7456 or contact us below to get started.