Take your home Off-Grid with a Tesla Powerwall

A frequent question we get about the Tesla Powerwall is if it has off-grid capability. And indeed it does!

Tesla off-grid systems offer the best experience for homeowners who want to be their own utility.  With Tesla Powerwall your solar can now work independently of any grid connection. For homes that are not connected to utility power, Tesla Powerwall for off-grid applications offer:

Tesla Powerwall with the Backup Gateway 2

Thinking About Off-Grid Living – Powerwall offers:

  • The best total lifetime value in terms of $/kWh of storage,
  • Unparalleled performance vs. classic batteries,
    • 100% of reserves being deployable, not 50% as on a legacy battery,
    • The longest-lasting lifespan with unlimited cycles and a 10-year (web/cell connected) warranty,
  • The smartest most intuitive software (that is always updating)

System Sizing – Sizing consultation from Solar Energy Solutions  

When you don’t have a utility grid to fall back on, it’s critical to really take into account all your energy needs and what are regular energy loads and what are intensive energy loads.  Your Solar Energy Solutions consultant will work with you to gather all the load data on the appliances in your home to come up with the ideal solar plus Powerwall system for your home. SES has 14 years of designing custom off-grid battery systems. Nobody can begin to match this expertise.

Back-up Energy Source (generator)

Even with proper system sizing, you can’t always predict energy usage and weather.  For that reason, it is critical to have a backup energy source for off-grid living.  Another benefit of having a secondary energy source is your system can be sized for typical days, not ‘worst-case scenario’ days. Tesla Powerwall is now compatible with Kohler RESA and other leading brand generators so ask your consultant for more information about this fast-evolving area.

Understand Energy Usage in Your Home

By both understanding the energy usage of different appliances and using Tesla’s app to monitor energy usage in your home you can manage your energy consumption and live well off the grid.  Tesla’s app is simple and easy to use.  The software that runs all of Tesla’s Technology gets better over time with free over-the-air updates.

Learn more about Tesla Powerwall Off-Grid by downloading the brochure or click below for a quote.

Schedule your free solar assessment today. Call 877-312-7456 or contact us below to get started.